


SEMM lands on Spotify with a collection of music playlists created by our staff.

A selection of tracks to take your mind on a journey among sounds and landscapes around the world; a musical experience that accompanies the discovery of new sounds; playlists that become soundtracks to accompany any moment of the day.

Press the Play button and enter the sound universe of Semm

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Semm Travels | THE BIG NORTH

Ready to set off on a new journey with Semm Travels?

Gianmarco has put together a delightful playlist for you, ‘The Big North – Music & Landscape from Canada to Scandinavia via Icelandic Indie Sounds’.

A nice long title, but full of suggestions, like the many tracks on the set list: we move from the acoustic rhythms of Albert Of Ekestam to the impalpable atmospheres of Emiliana Torrini, along a journey in which the likes of Caribou and Boards Of Canada will also be there to keep us company.

Semm Travels | THE BIG NORTH

Semm Travels | from Nashville To Austin Via Memphis

Semm Travels | from Nashville To Austin Via Memphis

Semm Travels sends you on a journey with music! 

Visit the world straight from your headphones thanks to ‘From Nashville to Austin via Memphis’, a hot selection curated by our very own Gianmarco Silvi: it starts in Nashville and then travels to Texas via the birthplace of rock’n’roll, the legendary Memphis. We will be joined by Lambchop, Nathaniel Rateliff, the Dead Weather, Jeff Tweedy, Johnny Cash and many others.

Semm Travels | New York

“Semm Travels – New York” è il nostro personale tributo ad una delle città più belle del mondo. Che vi piaccia sognare di trovarvi sulla cima dei grattacieli o seduti in un diner profumato di caffè, con questa playlist non resterete delusi: mettetevi comodi e godetevi tutte le anime della Grande Mela.

Blackness - by Carlo Babando

Soul, R&B and rap to listen to while flipping through the pages of “Blackness”, the book by our own Carlo Babando published in 2020 by Odoya. A plunge into the heart of Afro-American music of yesterday and today, between great classics and forgotten masterpieces: more than four hours ranging from the sound of Motown to the rhymes of Kendrick Lamar, also touching on Frank Ocean and Beyoncé

Blackness - by Carlo Babando

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